
Unveiling Breakthroughs in Disease Research with Thermo Fisher Scientific’s TaqMan Assay Search by Disease

We are excited to bring to your attention the latest advancements in disease research facilitated by Thermo Fisher Scientific’s cutting-edge TaqMan Assays.

Utilize this AI-powered tool based on the analysis of 31 million globally published peer-reviewed journal articles to:

  • Establish correlations between genes and diseases
  • Actively link to TaqMan Assays used in published research for diseases and associated genes

Discover endogenous control assays for your disease research area with references to published methods and functionality to filter by species and tissue.

Verification of NGS and Microarray: A Comprehensive Approach

RNA-Seq, microarrays, and qPCR collectively form a comprehensive workflow for gene expression analysis, from discovery and testing to downstream verification.

Technical Note: Concordance of transcriptome sequencing, microarrays, and qPCR using Ion AmpliSeq Transcriptome kits, Clariom D Assays, and TaqMan Assays

Immuno-Oncology Research: Unraveling Genomic Biomarkers

TaqMan Gene Expression assays enable discovery and verification of genomic biomarkers of well-understood checkpoint inhibitors and other immune-related genes.  Download a list of our TaqMan solutions for immuno-oncology research below:

Immuno-oncology marker assays

Complex and Neurological Disease Research: Deciphering Factors for Treatment

Understanding complex neurological diseases requires identifying various genetic and environmental factors and their intricate interactions. Our list of popular markers associated with complex neurological diseases, available for download below, aims to facilitate your research endeavors.

Neurological disease assays

Cancer Research: Genomic Approaches for Biomarker Discovery

Biomarker discovery through genomics approaches holds the key to identifying diagnostic, predictive, prognostic, and therapeutic cancer biomarkers. Explore the most popular markers associated with cancer research by downloading the document here:

Cancer research assays

Virology Research: Advancing Insights with Real-Time PCR Solutions

Our comprehensive portfolio of real-time PCR (qPCR) solutions addresses the most common viruses causing infectious diseases. Access the list of popular TaqMan solutions for virology research here:

Virology research assays

Immunology Research: Unveiling Common and Novel Biomarkers

TaqMan Gene Expression assays enable researchers to reliably detect and quantitate the expression levels of common immunology biomarkers in addition to novel biomarkers identified in high-throughput transcriptomic studies that require verification.  Download a list of the most common immunology biomarkers below:

Immunology research assays